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The Emerging and Technology Trends


As we all know that 2020 has gone and a new year and the new decade has been started, so it is a time in which we can set the trends or standards for the ongoing new year and the decade. To set the new technology trends in this New Year, we first have to see that in the last decade how Technology has been grown and it will motivate us to do some new for the next decade in the field of Technology. We will discuss what will be the trends in the field of technology in 2021.

As we know that the Technology is becoming more advance very quickly, so we all have to change ourselves and businesses as well according to the technology. If the businesses will not bring advancement in their field then they will have to face many challenges and they will be left behind. 2019 was the year in which many innovations happened in the field of Technology like the 5G network arouse in this year and some other technological advancement has been done in the Amazon like social robots are for shopping on Amazon and due to which, it is expected that the Amazon will touch $40 Billion in the 2022.

Technology in Businesses

Technology has also brought many changes in the field of business. As technology is increasing in every field of life day by day, every business should have to grow them according to that. We can see that in the factories many advanced machineries are using due to which the production has been increased and it also has the positive effect on the cost of the production. If any factory owner will not bring change and will not use the advanced machinery and will decide to continue the traditional style of the production, then their production will not be increased and will not be as much as compared to the factory’s production who are using the advanced machinery.

So, in this case the factory owner may have to bear the more cost and will have to face some critical challenges in the market like their sales will be low comparatively and then their revenue will also be decreased. So, if the businesses will bring changes in them according to the technology, they may be successful in increasing their sales and revenues.

Some top trends of technology in 2021

Here we will discuss some things which we are considering that will be top technology trends:

Internet of the things

As we can see that this the era of the Internet and everything we can see on the internet but for that it is compulsory to connect through Wi-Fi. The things which are emerging through it, is called as Internet of the things (IOT). Now, the world has become as much advanced that you can control all your home appliances, doors, devices and many more things through Internet at any place. For example, if you are in your office and you want to switch off your AC, through internet you can switch off.

This is now becoming a new Technology Trend. These things can also let you to monitor your home through the security cameras and provide you the better efficiency as well. It will also help you in decision making for your business by analyzing the information of your company’s performance and your competitors which will only be possible through internet. Moreover, you can control the machines through internet on your computer. But many more advancement is under development which will complete in this decade.

Predictive and Personalized Medicine

As we can see that the technology is also improving in the medical field. Many advanced machines have come in this field like advanced X-Ray machines etc. There are now smart watches such as Apple watch etc. are there in the medical field which has the capability to collect the lifestyle data. The doctors can get help through these watches to identify the health problems even when the symptoms are not showing by the patient and they can also treat them before the disease is getting serious.

This is also becoming the technology trends through which the doctors can treat and prescribe personalized medicine which is also known as the predictive medicine. On the other side, it is also beneficial for the insurance companies as they can introduce the new style of insurance schemes instead of the traditional insurance. They can get the data of the people’s health through the different devices and reach to the customers by tracking them when they determine that their health is on the risk.

Cyber Security

Visually, Cyber Security is not seemed as it will be the trend in 2021, but it will be the trend. Like the other technologies, it is also growing with the same speed. There are much more hackers now in all over the world who hack the websites and then they can easily make changes in the website and can post illegal content. The hackers can also hack someone’s mobile phone and can get access to all your information stored in the mobile like they can get access to your contacts, gallery and social media accounts etc.

Through this they can steal anytime all of your personal information. This thing is illegal and ethically bad as well. That’s why; the Cyber Security will be the top trend in 2021 because this will help to make strengthen the security system so that they may protect you from the hackers. Moreover, the jobs of Cyber Security are increasing.


If we look around the whole world, we will see that many countries are using the Cryptocurrency and it is expected that it will grasp the whole world’s attention and will become the trend in this decade. Mostly businesses have been converted into the digital businesses which deal through the Blockchain based Cryptocurrency. Many countries also trade in the Cryptocurrencies.

Cryptocurrency is a very significant element of the Blockchain. There are some examples of the Cryptocurrency and one of the most important is “Bitcoin”. Bitcoin is also a much known digital currency in the world. So, we can say that Blockchain will be the top trend in the new modern world.


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